All Nations
Leadership College


All Nations Leadership College is an opportunity for in-depth discipleship training, to prepare you for mission in your own church, in another nation or in your workplace.


The Aim

Our aim is to raise up disciples who are passionate and unrelenting in their devotion to Jesus and able to lead a church planting team or be part of one.

The aim is to make disciples who can make disciples – we truly believe the best way to grow leaders is for us to share our lives in a relational context.  We reproduce who we are: so we want to do this carefully and intentionally.

To achieve all this, we believe training and equipping needs to be -

Practical, Theological & Relational


  • Opportunities for service including mission trips and local mission.

  • Corporate prayer.

  • Other spiritual disciplines, including emphasis on reflection, journaling and scripture memory.


  • Understanding how to dig for truth in the scriptures and how to relate faith to practice.

  • Understanding of the “Big Picture” of scripture and salvation past and future.

  • Using some key books as a basis for discussion and training in theological framework, character and how to make disciples.


  • Ministry formation and character formation.

  • Discipleship informally around meals.

  • Regular corporate prayer. Accountability partners and mentors.

Sign up today

The brochure is available below and to get an over-view of the course see the curriculum, also available below. You can register your interest with no obligation at this stage.