A Disciple of Jesus … Makes Disciples 

If someone were to ask you for directions because they were lost, would you become embarrassed, shuffle your feet, and waffle some answer or would you clearly and concisely outline the directions they needed to take? Because the person was lost, and they need an urgent resolution to their situation, we would clearly state the directions necessary ('First left past the shops, then right, and right again…..'). Of course, in order to give physical directions to someone who might be lost, we ourselves will need to have first-hand experience of the locality in order to accurately provide the necessary directions.

Now consider the spiritual lostness of our neighbours and friends. They may not even know that they are lost, and yet because of our love and concern for them, we should be ready to outline the way of salvation. In order to highlight to anyone the way of salvation, requires us to have experience of the very steps they will need to take to find life and wholeness in Jesus. This means sharing something of our personal journey of how we became a disciple of Jesus.

A missing or uprooted way-marker is very frustrating to all who travel on an unknown road. As a disciple of Jesus, we should be a spiritual way-marker that stands tall in pointing the correct way out for others to take. So today, would you be confident in explaining to a neighbour/ friend/ work colleague who might ask you, the necessary steps to be free from their spiritual lostness?

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect… (1 Peter 3:15)

Sometimes when we seek directions when lost, the one we ask might say they are going the same way, and offer to accompany us. What a sense of relief that gives us! So, would we be willing to invest our time and experience in journeying with others who need to avoid the pitfalls and difficulties we have passed through as a Christian?

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1)  


A Disciple of Jesus… Gives Thanks


A disciple of Jesus … Pursues Christlikeness