Kingdom Enlargement
Let's be challenged to enlarge our vision of God. Have we made God too small in our own eyes?
Break Up Your Fallow Ground
We don’t have to be farmers to recognise that we reap what we sow. Hosea calls a people who had turned away from sowing a right relationship with God, which would produce an abundant harvest of kindness. Instead, they had allowed the soil of their hearts to become hard and evil.
Do you love the idea of having a de-cluttered home? Where everything has its place, and you know where everything is? That’s hard to achieve in reality, as we all accumulate ‘stuff’, but it’s a good thing to aim for. In a severely cluttered-up house, some rooms actually become unusable, and life for the owner becomes limited and frustrating.
A couple of years ago, I was fascinated by a BBC News report about an endangered species of bird called the Regent Honeyeater which is found only in South Eastern Australia. It has a very sparse distribution over a vast area, and the male birds are now forgetting their own song, and mimicking the songs of other bird species around them.
We cannot lose heart if our hearts are fixed looking to Jesus in our circumstances for His grace, peace, presence, enabling, etc., because we will be living life from a totally different perspective.
Happy, Help, Hope
We all need help in our lives. The great thing for us is that God is ‘a very present help in trouble’ Psalm 46v1. God ‘made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them’, and He can help us. He is more than willing to help us.
Where Is My Citizenship?
Throughout the Bible and church history, spiritual awakenings are often, if not always, preceded by God's people uniting together in corporate, intensive and Kingdom-centred prayer.
Power Shift
It might seem at times like we are up against immovable forces.
For example you might have a friend who is an atheist.
They dismiss the claims of Jesus, and seem confident and secure in their position. Don't lose heart, over time things can change, chinks may appear in their armour, a wavering may begin.
All For Jesus!
God does not restrict or ration our access to His throne of grace; He longs for us to come to Him, and He welcomes us warmly on each and every occasion.
Some years ago, a team of people from New Life and another church in Derby went on a mission trip to Kosovo.
A few of the older people at the church there could speak pretty good English, but most of the younger members of the church and guests invited from the local community could manage only a few words in English. How could we effectively communicate with everyone? The good news was that one teenage girl could speak very good English, so much so, the other teenagers in the Kosovan youth group had given her the nickname “Google-Translate”.
For the Christian, the truths of the Bible should define our thinking and our attitudes, not our imaginations which may be based on negative memories from earlier in life. Will we let our background/ history/perceived failings and shortcomings hold us back from effective ministry for the Lord, or will we step out, believing “I am who God says I am?”
Many non-Christians see churches as “museums” – things relating to the past, with little or no relevance to society today. Thinking of museums, I wonder whether you have ever visited the Museum of Making in the old Silk Mill adjacent to the River Derwent? It’s certainly worth a visit.
When I first heard of this new attraction in Derby, I found the name a little strange – a “museum” speaks of a showcase of old exhibits, whilst “making” speaks of something that is currently ongoing. Of course, this is exactly what those behind the museum were seeking to achieve. As their website states, the museum is “a contemporary space telling Derby’s 300-year history of making to inspire new creativity.”
It is interesting to note that the number Six in Hebrew means man, flesh, whilst number Seven means completion, satisfaction. How do we assist in moving our non-Christian friends from “Six” to “Seven” = married to Jesus?
Moses was the younger brother of both Miriam and Aaron, but God had chosen Moses to be the great leader who led Israel out of Egypt to the Promised Land. God had not forgotten Miriam and Aaron.
Like the sign of the workman/ man with an umbrella sign, we can only see that which our hearts allow us to see. If we desire to "see" the new things that God is unfolding in our day, we need to know the word of God well and have pliable, soft hearts that are open to the Holy Spirit, not hardened hearts like the disciples, who missed seeing the deeper implications of Jesus' signs. May we all desire hearts of flesh, so that we may grow in stature in Christ.
We all know the signs: a build up of traffic; a warning sign; temporary traffic lights; and a necessary deviation around the obstruction in the road. We rarely, if ever, give a thought as to what the works actually are; we are more concerned about continuing on our journeys…….
In our prayer lives, what is it that we take to the spiritual battlefield? We fight our enemy, not only with the sword of the Spirit, but with all those other elements of armour that have been entrusted to us…
Joy, Praise and Thanksgiving
When He was on earth, Jesus was a joyful person to be around. Psalm 45:7 talks about being anointed with the oil of gladness more than anyone else, and Hebrews 1:8-9 tells us that this refers to Jesus. Jesus was full of joy.
All the Greatness, Power and Glory Belong to God
Let us never underestimate the value of worship. Our chief service and ministry are to worship God. Worship, of course, goes beyond singing songs. It includes all the ways in which we show that we value God above all things.
Holy Spirit Fullness
As much as we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to edify ourselves, we also need to be filled so that we can minister to other people, especially people who do not yet know the Lord.